Penis enlargement is a topic often discussed among men, as its small size gives rise to serious complexes. At all times, men tried in various ways to rectify the situation, including healers and scullops, who mostly maimed men.
Since childhood, boys have observed with curiosity the changes in their genitals. The penis for men is his pride and, in his opinion, one of the main parts of his body. Some men develop complexes on the part of their partners when they express a desire for the length and thickness of the penis.
The results of several studies and researches have shown that representatives of the strong sex tend to doubt their sexual abilities due to the modest size of the penis.
A little history
In the works of some 16th century scholars, there is a concern with the size of male genitals. Thus, G. Fallopio, who was the first to publish information on the structure of female fallopian tubes, considered the size of the penis to be a very serious indicator for a future man.
That is why, at that time, the boys' parents placed small stones under the foreskin, in the hope that these simple manipulations would help to lengthen it. But all of these actions only caused infections and infections.
In a calm state, the average penis length in men is on average 12 centimeters, and the thickness is 2 to 3 centimeters. The average indicators are quite relative, and we can safely note that the standard can vary from 5 to 15 centimeters.
A limb can drastically decrease for the following reasons: cold bath, fatigue, post-ejaculatory period, chronic and mental illness, hypothermia.
The penis increases in size during the period of arousal, its size can vary from 8 to 26 centimeters. In the medical literature a giant was recorded whose length reached 30 centimeters in a state of excitement.
When an operation is needed

Normally, when men go to a specialist with a request to enlarge the penis, doctors point out not a physiological problem, but a psychological one. Sometimes, a few visits to a psychologist are enough to restore a man's confidence in his sexual powers.
But there are still indications for penis enlargement, including:
- aesthetics: pineal dysmorphophobia;
- functional: membranous, hidden penis, aging syndrome (presence of subcutaneous fat, decreased level of elasticity);
- medical: consequences of trauma, cavernous fibrosis, hypospadias, epispadias, small penis syndrome.
Micropenis is a collective term. It is usually seen in congenital endocrinological pathology, when testosterone is produced in insufficient quantities, as well as in the idiopathic underdevelopment of the genital organ. A small penis is one that is less than 2 inches long when stretched.
In any case, doctors conduct a comprehensive examination to determine the cause of the anomaly as accurately as possible. Surgical penis enlargement is performed only when the patient not only complains about the size, but also about other associated problems. In any case, only the doctor gives the verdict, the patient's own wishes are few.
Penis Enlargement Techniques
Today there is a wide variety of techniques and plastic surgeries to change a certain part of the body. Are there methods and techniques to enlarge the penis? Let's take a look at the entire arsenal.
Massage techniques to positively resize the penis are quite popular among men. The essence of the most popular: it is necessary to perform special massage movements, stretching the organ with your hands for an hour. Today, there are several devices for this procedure - extenders.
It is recommended to use the extender daily for 3-12 hours. You need to continue the technique regularly for at least six months.
According to the ads, you can add up to 7 centimeters to your penis in 12 months. But practice shows that you can only achieve an increase of 2 centimeters - a small, but also a result.

This technique involves injecting hyaluronic acid directly into the genital organ. This procedure is suitable for representatives of the strong sex who have a disproportionately small head in relation to the organ itself. Preparations will add 30% of the volume. The effect of the procedure lasts a maximum of one year, so it is necessary to repeat it.
Also on the pages of online stores you can find special pills, dietary supplements, ointments, drinks to enlarge the penis, but its effect has not been fully proven to date.
It is important to remember that any appointment must be made by the doctor, so that later you do not have to deal with serious consequences!
Surgical techniques
It is not recommended to increase the head with the aid of surgical intervention, as its sensitivity may be impaired. There are methods that are based on the installation of a special matrix between the corpora cavernosa and the head.
This technique has a high level of danger, as it can cause tissue necrosis, which will eventually lead to head loss! A patient whose head is "drowned" in pubic fat is taken actions to dissect the ligaments and remove excess fat tissue. To add thickness to the organ, fat cells are injected under your skin - the "Lipofilling" procedure. Some clinics offer the insertion of a rectus abdominis flap into the organ.
Ligamentotomy is a special operation that involves penis enlargement by cutting the supporting ligament. The actions allow you to add 3 to 5 inches in length. For this procedure, doctors can use different techniques.
Implantation with mobilization of the legs of the genital organ - the corpora cavernosa are removed and moved to the pubic joint.
Prosthesis implant - a special prosthesis is placed in the intracavernous space and transverse incisions of the tunica albuginea are made to ensure the enlargement of the organs.
Uncoupling operation - complete separation of the penis into its component parts. The corpora cavernosa are separated along the entire length of the organ, nerves and vessels are mobilized and a prosthesis or cartilage is implanted between the head and the corpora cavernosa. This method is applied to men who have had surgery on the prostate, bladder or rectum. The most commonly used inflatable prostheses with variable fluid. These operations are contraindicated in the presence of a normal erection.
Preparation for surgery
Before the patient gets on the surgeon's stretcher, he must undergo general clinical studies with mandatory verification of the maximum erection level. Ultrasound allows to determine the state of the corpora cavernosa, blood supply and the tunica albuginea.
Mainly local anesthesia is performed, therefore, there are no preparatory procedures. At the hospital, the patient is monitored after surgery for one day.
Dangers and complications of penis enlargement
Any interference with the body is fraught with side effects. The most harmless negative consequence is the psychological trauma of not getting the desired result. Among other complications, it is worth mentioning: impaired sensitivity during sexual intercourse, infertility, infectious and inflammatory diseases, difficulties in urinating and ejaculation.
Before jumping into the choice of penis enlargement methods, understand and decide if the situation is really critical to expose the genital organ to such experiments, as no one is immune to side effects.